How to use DSP to expand your audience

In the ever-intensifying landscape of Amazon Advertising, where rising CPC and diminishing conversion rates pose challenges, the quest for alternative traffic sources has become more critical than ever. Enter platforms like Amazon DSP, positioned as a potent catalyst for generating traffic and driving top-line sales. Its efficacy stems from expanded access to advertising inventory and leveraging premium Amazon data.

Amazon DSP stands out as a programmatic advertising platform, granting advertisers entry to Amazon’s premium shopping data, encompassing product purchases and shopping behaviors. This access unlocks curated audience selections, such as in-marketing and lifestyle segments, enabling advertisers to finely target their strategies. Notably, DSP empowers advertisers to reach shoppers both within and beyond the confines of Amazon, broadening the inventory available to target these specific shopper segments.

A prime use case for DSP emerges when contemplating broadening a brand’s audience. By combining the comprehensive data provided by DSP with an array of targeting options, exponential growth becomes attainable in brand awareness and consideration segments. For instance, targeting users in the wireless earbuds aisle who are yet unaware of your brand poses challenges on Amazon’s sponsored ads platform. Competing for top-of-search placements using generic keywords like ‘wireless earbuds’ can lead to high CPCs and fierce competition. DSP excels in such scenarios, providing access to in-market audiences while expanding off-Amazon placement possibilities, easing cost control.

Furthermore, Amazon DSP facilitates strategic targeting. The creation of advertiser audiences, targeting viewers or purchasers of specific ASINs defined by the advertiser, streamlines efforts to attract new customers. For example, a brand could form a product views audience and use it as a negative target for an in-market campaign, excluding those already aware of the brand. DSP’s versatility in targeting types and strategies empowers brands to engage with shoppers throughout every stage of their buying journey.

For emerging brands seeking to compete for new shoppers, Amazon DSP serves as a robust growth lever. Its advanced targeting capabilities and access to premium inventory placements allow advertisers to be strategic, targeting shoppers across various phases while mitigating high acquisition costs. In the current fiercely competitive market, exploring DSP presents an opportune moment for brands aiming to elevate their presence and performance.